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IA2030MX - The Agenda In Brief

Cover for IA2030MX - The Agenda In Brief

In 2018 Mexico was one of the first 10 countries in the world to launch an artificial intelligence (AI) strategy that sought to set the scene for leveraging AI in the public domain. This was when the AI2030Mx citizen coalition was established by nine institutions from every sector in the country. AI2030Mx was created to frame the need for a national multi-disciplinary, multi-sectoral collaborative initiative to develop an action plan for the government, academia, civil society, and industry.

Auteur : C Minds

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IA2030MX - The Agenda In Brief


Découvrir un traducteur littéraire comme Jesse Tomlinson a été un plaisir. Jesse s'efforce de comprendre l'esprit du texte et trouve le meilleur moyen de le traduire, en prenant en compte des détails tels que le contexte et la sélection de...Plus

- Patricia Carrillo Collard, escritora


Inter-American Development Bank
Servicio Nacional de Sanidad
Bardo Comunicación
University of Guadalajara
Black Coffee Gallery
Secretary of Culture of the city of Tlaquepaque
CONAFOR, Mexico's National Forestry Commission
Tec de Monterrey (ITESM)